© Zani-Casadio

Ravenna Festival’s Preview

Ludovico Einaudi

Ludovico Einaudi piano
Redi Hasa cello
Federico Mecozzi violin and viola
Francesco Arcuri electronic music and percussions, polyinstrumentalist

«While the world outside was silent and still, I plunged into a free, boundless space. In isolation, I enjoyed the peace around me, and the sad silence of the world turned into a kind of oxygen for me.» It was during the months of lockdown that Ludovico Einaudi wrote the music for his latest album, Underwater, with which he returns to make his mark on audiences worldwide, once again. After all, with the unexpected, dazzling success of Onde(1996), the one million record mark was easily broken, not to mention the billions of streams and views: staggering figures, especially for a “cultivated” composer, a reluctant “pop” icon with truly catholic tastes, who distils ethnic, jazz, rock, and electronic music into the unprecedented and unmistakable style that has become the pervasive soundtrack of our fragile time and emotions.

The Programme