Salvatore Sciarrino
Perduto in una città d’acque per pianoforte (1991)

Michele Foresi
Glifo per pianoforte e live electronics (2014)

Alessandro Ratoci
East-St.Louis Blues per pianoforte e live electronics (prima esecuzione assoluta)

Luigi Nono
. . . sofferte onde serene. . .  per pianoforte e nastro magnetico (1976)

pianoforte Stefano Malferrari
live electronics e regia del suono Francesco Giomi/Tempo Reale

Sensitive to the distinctive soundscape of Venice, his hometown, and especially to the sound of the various bells that mark the rhythm of daily life, Nono said: “They are indications of life on the lagoon, on the sea. Calls to work, to meditation. Warnings. And life continues there in the painful and calm necessity of the “balance of the deep interior” as Kafka says.”
Similarly evocative are the pieces by Foresi and Ratoci, two composers from the Millennial Generation, struggling with a sort of “aesthetics of ruins 2.0”. Foresi looks at the piano as a sort of sampler, deprived of its romantic aura, while Ratoci takes us to what is now a “non-place”, East St. Louis, Illinois, in search of Miles Davis’s childhood home, among the “ghosts” and/or the relics of traditional blues and swing.