Archivi Events - Ravenna Festival

The Programme 2016

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Cantica Dantesca

13 - 19 May 2016

Cantica Dantesca
A journey through songs and readings, evoking the female figures Dante loved and celebrated. . .

13 - 19 May 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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Vespri solenni al modo di Venezia

13 - 19 May 2016

Vespri solenni al modo di Venezia
Francesco Cavalli: 5 o’clock Evensong. Laudate for double choir and organ

13 - 19 May 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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Arcangelo Corelli, sonate da chiesa

20 - 26 May 2016

Arcangelo Corelli, sonate da chiesa
Arcangelo Corelli Church sonatas for two violins, cello and continuo Op. 1

20 - 26 May 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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Searching for Paradise

20 - 26 May 2016

Searching for Paradise
searching for Dante's Paradise... on a bike

20 - 26 May 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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Evening Hymns

27 May - 02 June 2016

Evening Hymns
music by Henry Purcell, Alessandro Stradella, Dietrich Buxtehude

27 May - 02 June 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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Deh peregrini che pensosi andate

27 May - 02 June 2016

Deh peregrini che pensosi andate
A fascinating journey into the silence of the cloisters, where the words of Boccaccio's Treatise in Praise of Dante will narrate the Supreme Poet's last years, from the exile to his death in Ravenna . . .

27 May - 02 June 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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Ladysmith Black Mambazo

28 May 2016

Ladysmith Black Mambazo
Building on a rich native vocal culture and on the choral tradition of colonial Christian churches, the South African black population has developed a sophisticated choral art since the nineteenth century.

28 May 2016
Forlì, Chiesa di San Giacomo
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Stefano Bollani Piano Solo

29 May 2016

Stefano Bollani Piano Solo
From the Music Academy to the world’s most prestigious stages, either solo or with big orchestras, Bollani has always managed to combine his extraordinary musical qualities with a bent for humour and fun-making.

29 May 2016
Forlì, Teatro Diego Fabbri
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Federico Buffa “Le Olimpiadi del 1936”

31 May 2016

Federico Buffa “Le Olimpiadi del 1936”
Starting from the story of one of the most controversial Olympic Games ever, the piece tells a tale of sports and war . . .

31 May 2016
Palasport Angelo Costa
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Recital di Mitsuko Uchida

01 June 2016

Recital di Mitsuko Uchida
“I spend all day around my pianos. My back, shoulders and brain need a rest, but my fingers never tire”. To Mitsuko Uchida, studying is the way to get to the core of music, to reach those special moments where sound opens up to ineffable joy . . .

01 June 2016
Teatro Alighieri
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La lontananza nostalgica utopica futura

02 June 2016

La lontananza nostalgica utopica futura
In 1985, Nono sighted an inscription on a monastery wall in Toledo, Spain, which became the motto for his late compositions: “Travellers, there are no paths, you must walk”. Dreaming . . .

02 June 2016
Refettorio Museo Nazionale
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Nova vita

03 - 09 June 2016

Nova vita
It is a wish Dante expressed in immortal words: beholding the stars at last, after leaving the gloomy wood that forced his gaze to the ground, and being happy again . . .

03 - 09 June 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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Perduto in una città d’acque

03 June 2016

Perduto in una città d’acque
music by Salvatore Sciarrino, Michele Foresi, Alessandro Ratoci, Luigi Nono

03 June 2016
Refettorio Museo Nazionale
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Medioevo musicale e monachesimo femminile

03 - 10 June 2016

Medioevo musicale e monachesimo femminile
Gregorian chants, motets, sequences, tropes and descants from XIII- and XIV-century manuscripts

03 - 10 June 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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Riccardo Muti

04 June 2016

Riccardo Muti
Only the great can afford the luxury of tackling the most celebrated scores, the music masterpieces everybody thinks they know . . .

04 June 2016
Palazzo Mauro De André
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Omaggio a Morton Feldman

05 June 2016

Omaggio a Morton Feldman
Only the scores by Morton Feldman (one of the greatest US composers of the 20th century), if any, can stir the same feelings aroused by Rothko’s large canvases

05 June 2016
Refettorio Museo Nazionale
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Messa nell’Europa medievale

05 June 2016

Messa nell’Europa medievale
Pieces from the codex Las Halgas and the collection of manuscripts Q.11 conserved in Bologna.

05 June 2016
Basilica di San Francesco
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Quartetto Lyskamm

06 June 2016

Quartetto Lyskamm
music by Béla Bartók, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Giuseppe Verdi

06 June 2016
Chiostro della Biblioteca Classense
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Medioevo musicale e monachesimo femminile

06 June 2016

Medioevo musicale e monachesimo femminile
L’Ensemble Korymbos riproporrà nei conventi il programma “Medioevo musicale e monachesimo femminile”, un erudito e suggestivo tributo alla vita nei conventi femminili. . .

06 June 2016
The Convent of Carmelite nuns
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The Blackmail Project

07 June 2016

The Blackmail Project
Blackmail is both the last British silent film and the first sound one . . .

07 June 2016
Palazzo dei Congressi
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08 - 10 June 2016

For the first time, Nanou confronts the choreographic structure of the octet through the rigorous process of a creative strategy built on the formalization of the human figure and its enclosure.

08 - 10 June 2016
Artificerie Almagià
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Medioevo musicale e monachesimo femminile

09 June 2016

Medioevo musicale e monachesimo femminile
L’Ensemble Korymbos riproporrà nei conventi il programma “Medioevo musicale e monachesimo femminile”, un erudito e suggestivo tributo alla vita nei conventi femminili. . .

09 June 2016
The Convent of the Capuchin Poor Clares
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Mandela Trilogy

09 - 12 June 2016

Mandela Trilogy
All sorts of music tributes have been paid to Mandela in South Africa, but African Songbook, staged by Cape Town Opera’s Michael Williams in 2010, gets the very man on stage. . .

09 - 12 June 2016
Teatro Alighieri
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Freedom in Our Time

10 June 2016

Freedom in Our Time
conductor Alex Fokkens Alessandro Benigni piano Mike Campbell from Freedom in Our Time “Freedom in Our Time” “Come to Kofifi” “Baby...

10 June 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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Notturno per Burri

10 June 2016

Notturno per Burri
A sculpture turned architecture, a broken bridge, hands outstretched in an impossible handshake, the hull of an upturned ship, the wings of a theatre that looks over the horizon, towards the sea . . .

10 June 2016
Palazzo Mauro De André
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Iván Fischer

10 June 2016

Iván Fischer
In the year of the Danubian Trilogy, a Hungarian atmosphere is also recreated by a most dynamic orchestra, animated by one of its founding fathers . . .

10 June 2016
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11 June 2016

improvisations on secular themes

11 June 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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Conflitti, giustizia, riconciliazione

11 June 2016

Conflitti, giustizia, riconciliazione
The project dedicated to the work of Nelson Mandela, a patient but resolute builder of bridges and freedom, is fully congenial to the theme of the Via Sancti Romualdi’s fifth edition . . .

11 June 2016
Chiostro della Biblioteca Classense
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11 June 2016

improvisations on sacred themes   Non-residents of the municipality of Ravenna must purchase the ticket for the admission to the monuments...

11 June 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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Messa a Cape Town

12 June 2016

Messa a Cape Town
Cape Town Opera Voice of the Nation Choir

12 June 2016
Basilica di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo
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12 June 2016

Riccardo Giovine and Francesco Malerba music by Gaspar Cassadó, Giovanni Sollima and Zoltán Kodály   Non-residents of the municipality of Ravenna...

12 June 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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12 June 2016

Leila & Sara Shirvani cello and piano music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Enrico Melozzi  

12 June 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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I Violoncellisti della Scala

12 June 2016

I Violoncellisti della Scala
direzione artistica di Giovanni Sollima Ljuba Bergamelli soprano Massimo Polidori violoncello Simone Groppo violoncello Sara Anne Spirito violoncello Gianluca Muzzolon violoncello...

12 June 2016
Chiostro della Biblioteca Classense
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13 June 2016

Mariano Bulligan / Hu Bin guitar music by Alvo Pärt, Giuseppe Verdi, Giovanni Sollima   Non-residents of the municipality of Ravenna must...

13 June 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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Giovanni Sollima & L’Arianna Art Ensemble – The Missing Link

13 June 2016

Giovanni Sollima & L’Arianna Art Ensemble – The Missing Link
unpublished music by Giovanni Battista Costanzi, also known as “Il Giovannino del Violoncello”

13 June 2016
Basilica di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo
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Concerto/Performance di Rushad Eggleston

13 June 2016

Concerto/Performance di Rushad Eggleston
direzione artistica di Giovanni Sollima With the adventure of the 100cellos, Giovanni Sollima, with his valiant companion Enrico Melozzi, has shown...

13 June 2016
Artificerie Almagià
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13 June 2016

Andres Lopez & Mariagrazia Lioy cello and piano music by Ludwig van Beethoven

13 June 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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14 June 2016

Ludovico and Eleonora Armellini cello and piano Sonatas by Johannes Brahms e Dmitrij Šostakovič

14 June 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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14 June 2016

Jacopo Francini Songs by Philip Glass   Non-residents of the municipality of Ravenna must purchase the ticket for the admission to...

14 June 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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Sankai Juku

14 June 2016

Sankai Juku
Amagatsu weaves the new plot for Utsushi without a chronological order, but rather as an ancient ritual where, in just over an hour, the viewer’s gaze is invited to become one with the hypnotic movements of his performers.

14 June 2016
Palazzo Mauro De André
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Trio Reijseger, Fraanje, Sylla

14 June 2016

Trio Reijseger, Fraanje, Sylla
direzione artistica Giovanni Sollima With the adventure of the 100cellos, Giovanni Sollima, with his valiant companion Enrico Melozzi, has shown that...

14 June 2016
Chiostro della Biblioteca Classense
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15 June 2016

Abel Selaocoe Alastair Paul McMath basso Mandela Tribute

15 June 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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Effetti collaterali | Giovanni Sollima e i suoi allievi dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia

15 June 2016

Effetti collaterali | Giovanni Sollima e i suoi allievi dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
music by Cirri, Chopin, Reich, Bellini, Modugno, Area

15 June 2016
Forlì, Chiesa di San Giacomo
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15 June 2016

Luca Franzetti “Back to the Future” music by G. Ligeti, G. Sollima, E. Melozzi   Non-residents of the municipality of Ravenna...

15 June 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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16 June 2016

Johann Sebastian Bach Suite no. 3

16 June 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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Giovanni Sollima

16 June 2016

Giovanni Sollima
direzione artistica di Giovanni Sollima Concerto rotondo for cello solo cello Giovanni Sollima La sostanza dei sogni per 6 violoncelli dedicato...

16 June 2016
Antico Porto di Classe
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Il Concerto fiume

16 June 2016

Il Concerto fiume
direzione artistica di Giovanni Sollima With the adventure of the 100cellos, Giovanni Sollima, with his valiant companion Enrico Melozzi, has shown...

16 June 2016
Piangipane, Teatro Socjale
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16 June 2016

Mauro Valli Johann Sebastian Bach Suite no. 6   Non-residents of the municipality of Ravenna must purchase the ticket for the...

16 June 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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Sacre Corde

16 June 2016

Sacre Corde
La Magnifica Comunità, one of the most renowned and beloved early music ensembles, have shown a true vocation for the re-proposal of the most genuine meaning of ancient sounds ever since their adventure began, in 1990, over 25 years ago.

16 June 2016
Forlì, Chiesa di San Giacomo
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17 June 2016

Concerto Giovani Talenti professional musicians conducted by Andres Lopez   Non-residents of the municipality of Ravenna must purchase the ticket for...

17 June 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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Mario Brunello e il Coro del Friuli Venezia Giulia

17 June 2016

Mario Brunello e il Coro del Friuli Venezia Giulia
music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Sofija Asgatovna Gubajdulina

17 June 2016
Teatro Alighieri
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17 June 2016


17 June 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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18 June 2016

Monika Leskovar Capriccio per Palm by Krzysztof Penderecki Hannah Eichberg Trois Strophes by Henri Dutilleux   Non-residents of the municipality of...

18 June 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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Il Concorso di Composizione

18 June 2016

Il Concorso di Composizione
direzione artistica di Giovanni Sollima With the adventure of the 100cellos, Giovanni Sollima, with his valiant companion Enrico Melozzi, has shown...

18 June 2016
Teatro Alighieri
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Let’s Dance!

18 June 2016

Let’s Dance!
direzione artistica di Giovanni Sollima con la partecipazione straordinaria di Davide Sciortino Le donne della Notte della Taranta Miguel Ángel Berna...

18 June 2016
Rocca Brancaleone
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18 June 2016

a programme by Gianluigi Fiordaliso

18 June 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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Tra Anguille e Tarante

18 - 19 June 2016

Tra Anguille e Tarante
Ambrogio Sparagna in collaboration with other artists such as Francesca Trenta e Peppe Servillo will combine the rhythm of "his" taranta with folk lullabies and sea songs.

18 - 19 June 2016
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Daniel Harding

19 June 2016

Daniel Harding
What have Beethoven’s symphonies got in common with the scores of Edgar Varèse? An answer is provided by Daniel Harding: from the rostrum of the Mahler Chamber Orchestra

19 June 2016
Palazzo Mauro De André
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Una Messa tra Romagna e Giappone

19 June 2016

Una Messa tra Romagna e Giappone
music by don Vincenzo Cimatti (Faenza 1879 - Tokyo 1965)

19 June 2016
Basilica di Sant’Agata Maggiore
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La musica sacra nella voce dei bambini

19 - 23 June 2016

La musica sacra nella voce dei bambini
music by Alessandro Grandi, Johann Sebastian Bach, Camille Saint Saëns, Andrew Lloyd Webber

19 - 23 June 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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19 - 23 June 2016

A dreamlike journey through Dante's Inferno, among seductive demons, monsters and such bestial hybrids as the Harpies, the Minotaur, Malacoda and his gang of demons, Malebranche . . .

19 - 23 June 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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For Mandela

20 June 2016

For Mandela
British jazz was not alone in being affected by the musical and human story of South African jazz in its European exile, which has also enthralled the Italian jazz avant-garde ever since the Seventies.

20 June 2016
Teatro Rasi
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Louis Moholo-Moholo 5 Blokes

21 June 2016

Louis Moholo-Moholo 5 Blokes
after Keith & Julie Tippett “Couple in Spirit”

21 June 2016
Teatro Rasi
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Folia Shakespeariana

22 June 2016

Folia Shakespeariana
created by and starring Chiara Muti and Elena Bucci

22 June 2016
Parco di Teodorico
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Hugh Masekela

23 June 2016

Hugh Masekela
Trumpeter, flugelhornist and vocalist Hugh Masekela, together with pianist Abdullah Ibrahim, is the emblem of the large-scale relationship South Africa early established with jazz . . .

23 June 2016
Teatro Rasi
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Twyla Tharp Dance

24 June 2016

Twyla Tharp Dance
Eclectic Twyla Tharp, celebrating five decades of dance-making in 2015, is an “outsider” for her ability to range from post-modern experiment to Hollywood’s pop flavours . . .

24 June 2016
Palazzo Mauro De André
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Dante Muore

24 - 30 June 2016

Dante Muore
Dante Alighieri died and was reborn, made immortal in our memory by his poetry . . .

24 - 30 June 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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Musica della Chiesa Ravennate fra XI e XVII secolo

24 - 30 June 2016

Musica della Chiesa Ravennate fra XI e XVII secolo
music by Pandolfo Zalamella, Giovanni Ghizzolo, Benedetto Magni (musicians at the Ravenna Archbishop's Chapel in the XVI and XVII centuries) and songs from scrolls found in the Ravenna Municipal and National Historical Archives, dating back to the XI and XII centuries

24 - 30 June 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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La lunga notte irlandese

25 June 2016

La lunga notte irlandese
Lúnasa feat. Karan Casey, Caítlin Nic Gabhann, Mick O'Brien, Ciara Ni Bhriain & Birkin Tree

25 June 2016
Russi, Palazzo San Giacomo
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Messa nella Roma della Controriforma

26 June 2016

Messa nella Roma della Controriforma
Missa Papae Marcelli by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

26 June 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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In bicicletta con Olindo

26 June 2016

In bicicletta con Olindo
Wandering through farmyards, music, and forgotten food

26 June 2016
Russi, Palazzo San Giacomo
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La lunga notte romagnola

26 June 2016

La lunga notte romagnola
Ivano Marescotti reads Stecchetti

26 June 2016
Russi, Palazzo San Giacomo
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The Tallis Scholars

27 June 2016

The Tallis Scholars
music by Pärt, da Palestrina, Taverner, Allegri, Byrd, Tallis, Mouton, Philips, Tallis, Sheppard

27 June 2016
Basilica di Sant'Apollinare in Classe
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Chanteuse Des Rues

28 June 2016

Chanteuse Des Rues
una nuova creazione di Micha van Hoecke arrangiamenti originali Simone Zanchini con Viola Cecchini, Rimi Cerloj, Gloria Dorliguzzo, Yuri Mastrangeli, Miki...

28 June 2016
Teatro Alighieri
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Stabat Mater

29 June 2016

Stabat Mater
Soqquadro Italiano’s bubbly recipe can be trusted to get guaranteed inspired results . . .

29 June 2016
Teatro Rasi
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Svetlana Zakharova, Mikhail Lobukhin, Denis Rodkin

30 June 2016

Svetlana Zakharova, Mikhail Lobukhin, Denis Rodkin
and other étoiles of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow

30 June 2016
Palazzo Mauro De André
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Il doppio volto della montagna

30 June 2016

Il doppio volto della montagna
How immense are the mountains, whose magnificence easily pervades art and the human feelings! The same happens in La doppia anima della montagna . . .

30 June 2016
Teatro Alighieri
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Gran Galà del Danubio

01 July 2016

Gran Galà del Danubio
When classical music meets the most attractive forms of communication, there come the “virtuózok”.

01 July 2016
Teatro Alighieri
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L’inferno dei viventi

01 - 07 July 2016

L’inferno dei viventi
The inferno of the living is not something that will be; if there is one, it is what is already here, the inferno where we live every day, that we form by being together . . .

01 - 07 July 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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Salve virgo virginum salve lumen luminum

01 - 07 July 2016

Salve virgo virginum salve lumen luminum
motets, laude, ballads and hymns by XIII-century anonymous authors, Hildegard von Bingen and Guillaume Dufay

01 - 07 July 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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Le vie dell’Amicizia: Ravenna-Tokyo

03 July 2016

Le vie dell’Amicizia: Ravenna-Tokyo
. . . after the concert that saw Riccardo Muti and “his” Cherubini join the Harusai Festival Orchestra in Tokyo last March, these musicians will meet again in Ravenna in a mutual embrace . . .

03 July 2016
Palazzo Mauro De André
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Messa a Westminster

03 July 2016

Messa a Westminster
Mass with Gregorian chants (celebrated in Latin as customary in Westminster Abbey) and liturgical pieces by Jean Langlais and César Franck

03 July 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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Westminster Cathedral Boys Choir

04 July 2016

Westminster Cathedral Boys Choir
music by Crivelli, Grancini, Lalouette, Bach, Britten, Poulenc, Purcell, Hurford, Schubert, Holst

04 July 2016
Basilica di Sant'Apollinare in Classe
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Riccardo Muti

05 July 2016

Riccardo Muti
music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Francesco Cappa

05 July 2016
Teatro Alighieri
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Batsheva Dance Company

06 July 2016

Batsheva Dance Company
excerpts from Sadeh 21, Zachacha, Bolero, Mabul, Three, Naharin's Virus, Zina

06 July 2016
Palazzo Mauro De André
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08 - 09 July 2016

starring David Marzi, Noemi Medas, Elisa Pistis, Luigi Pusceddu

08 - 09 July 2016
Teatro Alighieri
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LetteralMente Divina

08 - 13 July 2016

LetteralMente Divina
An actor and music will project the audience into a world of syllables, words and rhythms, with images that will evoke verses and sensory rhetorical figures from Dante's Comedy . . .

08 - 13 July 2016
Antichi Chiostri Francescani
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Le campane all’Ave

08 - 13 July 2016

Le campane all’Ave
music by Léon Boëlmann Anton Pichler, Jehan Alain, Gerhard Bunk, Louis Vierne

08 - 13 July 2016
Basilica di San Vitale
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Alonzo King LINES Ballet

09 July 2016

Alonzo King LINES Ballet
An admirer of Balanchine and a dancer with both Alvin Ailey and the American Ballet Theatre, Alonzo King has left his company a dual choreographic legacy. . .

09 July 2016
Palazzo Mauro De André
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Kent Nagano

11 July 2016

Kent Nagano
piano Martin Helmchen

11 July 2016
Palazzo Mauro De André
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An evening with Joan Baez

13 July 2016

An evening with Joan Baez
The most famous folk singer ever, one of the best-known female voices, an icon of pacifism and of the struggle for civil rights . . .

13 July 2016
Palazzo Mauro De André
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Water Dances

23 July 2016

Water Dances
Michael Nyman & Michael Nyman Band

23 July 2016
Forlì, Teatro Diego Fabbri
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Gräfin Mariza

14 - 18 October 2016

Gräfin Mariza
Gräfin Mariza (La Contessa Maritza) music by Emmerich Kálmán booklet by Julius Brammer e Alfred Grünwald direttori d’orchestra Dániel Somogyi-Tóth, László...

14 - 18 October 2016
Teatro Alighieri
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Die Fledermaus

15 - 21 October 2016

Die Fledermaus
Die Fledermaus (Il pipistrello) musica di Johann Strauss libretto di Karl Haffner e Richard Genée adattamento scenico György Böhm direttore d’orchestra...

15 - 21 October 2016
Teatro Alighieri
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Die lustige Witwe

16 - 20 October 2016

Die lustige Witwe
Die lustige Witwe (La vedova allegra) music by Franz Lehár booklet by Victor Léon e Leo Stein direttori d’orchestra Dániel Somogyi-Tóth,...

16 - 20 October 2016
Teatro Alighieri
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I 100 violini zigani

23 October 2016

I 100 violini zigani
Fresh from the celebration of its 30th birthday, this orchestra of violins, violas, cellos, double basses, clarinets and cimbaloms feels free to alternate, in acrobatic performances, such composers as Liszt, Bartók, Kodály, Brahms, Tchaikovsky and Strauss with traditional Hungarian and Gypsy songs . . .

23 October 2016
Teatro Alighieri
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