Ensemble Suono Giallo
Andrea Biagini flauti
Fabio Battistelli clarinetti
Michele Bianchini saxofoni
Laura Mancini percussioni
Simone Nocchi pianoforte

musiche di Mauro Porro, Ada Gentile, Fabrizio De Rossi Re, Cristian Carrara, Alessandro Sbordoni, Roberto Fabbriciani, Nicola Sani, Vito Palumbo, Stefano Taglietti, Salvatore Di Vittorio

A sculpture turned architecture, a broken bridge, hands outstretched in an impossible handshake, the hull of an upturned ship, the wings of a theatre that looks over the horizon, towards the sea… The “Grande Ferro R” sculpture is all this, a majestic and often forgotten work Alberto Burri created on a commission by Ferruzzi in 1990, interrupting the empty space before the versatile Palazzo De André and modulating its identity as a new site in town. In the centenary of one of the most rigorous and essential artists of our time, here are the echoes of the works by 10 composers who set his art to music, now performed by an ensemble that has its raison d’être in a “synaesthesia of the arts”: gesture and figure, sound and vision, in a balance of Apollonian form and Dionysian matter.