With a triptych entitled Wandering Heroes in Search of Peace, the Autumn Trilogy takes us back to the roots of bel canto and the origins of opera, immersing the audience in the sounds and atmospheres of 17th-century Baroque music. Two of these productions boast the refined direction of Pier Luigi Pizzi and the musical wisdom of the Accademia Bizantina and Ottavio Dantone: the first is Monteverdi’s Il ritorno di Ulisse in patria (15 and 18 November), inspired by the hero’s return to Ithaca; the second is dedicated to Purcell, whose ode Hail! Bright Cecilia, written in honour of the patron saint of musicians, provides a frame for the performance of Dido and Aeneas, composed for a girls’ school in Chelsea (16 and 19 November). This diptych, representing the opposing sides of the Trojan War, perhaps to show that both will lose, since conflicts never produce winners, will be complemented by a recital dedicated to the timeless expressiveness of a repertoire that defies the centuries: the Polish countertenor Jakub Józef Orlin´ski, supported by the Pomo d’Oro ensemble, will propose Beyond (17 November), reviving the fascination of the castrato singers of the past and combining it with the dynamism and physicality of breakdance.

Until 30 June exclusive presale for travel agencies and tour operators.
From 15 July carnet presale.
From 3 October tickets presale.