una nuova creazione di Micha van Hoecke
arrangiamenti originali Simone Zanchini

con Viola Cecchini, Rimi Cerloj, Gloria Dorliguzzo, Yuri Mastrangeli, Miki Matsuse, Ivan Merlo, Micha van Hoecke

Simone Zanchini fisarmonica

“DanzActori di Ravenna Festival”
Marta Capaccioli, Martina Cicognani,
Francesca De Lorenzi, Alberto Lazzarini,
Giorgia Massaro, Chiara Nicastro
e con Alice Pieri

regia e coreografia Micha van Hoecke
light designer Nevio Cavina

assistente regia e coreografia Miki Matsuse
assistente drammaturgia Chiara Nicastro
assistente costumi Chiara Cicognani
elaborazioni immagini Davide Broccoli
maestro collaboratore Silvia Gentilini
direttore di palcoscenico Marisa Biagioli
service audio BH Audio

produzione Ravenna Festival

Micha van Hoecke’s new creation, inspired by Édith Piaf, “the little sparrow”, is a series of scenic tableaux suggesting the world of the “chanteuse de rue”, crowded with colourful, moonlit characters. Like Jean Cocteau, a frequent guest of the nightclub where she used to perform, who wrote his famous pièce, Le bel indifférent, for her. In Micha’s work – a mix of music, songs and dance – all these suggestions come together in a virtual portrait of Édith, who is never directly seen on stage. The piece is an affectionate, nostalgic (re)evocation of an intense period, which Micha partly shared, since he used to live in Paris during the very last years of Piaf’s life, breathing in her very same moods and atmospheres.