© Silvia Lelli

A bridge of brotherhood through art and culture
The Roads of Friendship
Riccardo Muti

Orchestra Giovanile Luigi Cherubini
Coro della Cattedrale di Siena Guido Chigi Saracini
choirmaster Lorenzo Donati

Nicolò Balducci countertenor
Giovanni Sollima cello
Lina Gervasi theremin

welcome Banda dell’Associazione Culturale Musicale Lipadusa
led by Gaetano Palmeri

Giacomo Leopardi

Alessandro Baldessari
Līmen | Samia | līmen
electroacoustic composition
orchestrated by Claudio Cavallin
commissioned by Ravenna Festival

Giovanni Sollima
Stabat Mater for countertenor, theremin, choir and orchestra
on verses by Filippo Arriva

Coro a Coro led by Rachele Andrioli
Migrant songs

with the support of

One place sums up both the tragedy and the hope of the desperate crossing of the Mediterranean: the small island of Lampedusa. This is where exhausted migrants land on the first patch of land in Europe. This is where, all too often, the bodies of those who did not make it are washed up. This is where the journey of friendship inevitably ends: by the very waters where young Samia, among many others, found her death. And so, in the space of meditation and quasi-prayer of the Teatro naturale della cava, in front of the boat salvaged from a shipwreck and now a symbol and warning for all those who try to cross the sea every day, voices and instruments will resonate over the sound of the waves. In the hope that one day these waves will unite and not divide.

The Programme
Luca Barberini’s biography