© Angelo Palmieri

Giovani artisti per Dante

L’inferno sono gli altri

Un progetto laboratoriale di Kepler-452
regia e coordinamento drammaturgico Nicola Borghesi
con la collaborazione di Enrico Baraldi e Paola Aiello
scene e design degli spazi Luigi Greco Musiche Bebo Guidetti (Lo Stato Sociale)
In scena sette partecipanti al laboratorio

in collaborazione con Società Dante Alighieri

Kepler-452’s second study of Dante’s Inferno is based on a question: what is hell for those around us? Ravenna locals will answer this question, and their answers will be translated into drama, with the guide of the Comedy. Those who take part in the laboratory — either as interviewers, playwrights or performers — will design site-specific characters and props to be staged in a specially-developed sound environment.

Full programme “Young Artists for Dante”