© Malcolm Levinkind © Malcolm Levinkind © Malcolm Levinkind © Massimo Danza © Massimo Danza © Massimo Danza © Massimo Danza

Pink Floyd Moon

coreografia e regia di Micha van Hoecke
direzione musicale Fabio Castaldi
scene Benito Leonori
costumi Anna Biagiotti
luci Alessandro Caso
audio Maurizio Capitini
video Andrea Arnese
laser show Riccardo Berti

Compagnia Daniele Cipriani
guest Denys Ganio
solisti e corpo di ballo Alessandro Burini, Andrea Caleffi, Benedetta Comandini, Umberto Desantis, Susanna Elviretti, Maria Vittoria Frascarelli, Mattia Ignomiriello, Ilaria Grisanti, Marco Lo Presti, Francesco Moro, Davide Pietroniro, Lara Rocco, Madoka Sasaki, Mattia Tortora
maître de ballet Stefania Di Cosmo
assistenti al coreografo Miki Matsuse, Stefania Di Cosmo 
e Riccardo Di Cosmo

Pink Floyd Legend
Fabio Castaldi basso, voce
Alessandro Errichetti chitarra, voce

Emanuele Esposito batteria

Simone Temporali tastiere, voce
Paolo Angioi chitarra acustica, elettrica e 12 corde, basso, voce
con Michele Leiss sassofono, Martina Pelosi, Sonia Russino, 
Giorgia Zaccagni cori, Andrea Arnese screen footage & audio effects

produzione Daniele Cipriani Entertainment s.c. e Menti Associate di Gilda Petronelli, in coproduzione con Fondazione Pergolesi Spontini di Jesi
sarta Elena De Angelis service Event Project
attrezzista Raffaele Berazzi tour manager Giulia Pasquini
ufficio stampa Simonetta Allder, Fabiana Manuelli

world premiere

Free roundtrip shuttle service for the events at the Pala De André, leaving from Piazza Farini (in front of the train station).
Departure times: 8.30 pm and 8.45 pm

Van Hoecke in a lunar realm accompanied by Pink Floyd: this is the voyage on which Micha promises to take us in this, his latest show that debuts in Ravenna. The Russo-Belgian choreographer draws his inspiration from the psychedelic sound of the legendary band and of their song, Shine on You Crazy Diamond, in which Roger Waters and the other members honoured their lead singer Syd Barrett who had lost himself in the meanders of mental illness. But in Shine, folly is transfigured and becomes fey magic, a journey backwards into Micha’s own youth made up of rock and dancing. Under his direction Compagnia Daniele Cipriani together with Pink Floyd Legend, the Italian group that “doubles” to acclaim its British parent, paint for us a moving image of poetic apparitions, a dream that imparts hope.

The Programme