Darsena PopUp - Ravenna Festival

The practice of temporary re-use (regulated since February 2015 in the thematic POC Darsena di città) is one of the most interesting and innovative models that have been applied to the Darsena (dock) within the urban reactivation plan: such a practice offers the chance to intervene on free areas through a calibrated functionalization of the open spaces, using unifying elements with marked port features, and creating new activities.

Darsena PopUp was born within this context, as an intervention deeply connected to the port identity of Ravenna; the vision of the project is led by the willingness to carry on the redevelopment of the Darsena di città, promoted by Associazione Naviga in Darsena over the years. It is a project of social start up, whose object is the creation of a new field of services for the neighbourhood, a reference point for the community, and a connecting point between the city centre and the urban side of the docks, through the creation of new spaces for sport, culture, and leisure, joined in a context featuring also commercial services, spaces for associations and professionals of both the research and cultural-creative field.

Getting here

Via dell’Almagià
Tel. 0544 421503


Events in this venue

Officina del Ritmo:
conexión Buenos Aires
Officina del Ritmo:
conexión Buenos Aires
The 100 Percussions

12 giugno 2019
Darsena PopUp
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Percussion Voyager
Percussion Voyager
The 100 Percussions

14 giugno 2019
Darsena PopUp
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