Nine concerts in as many locations in Romagna, all in the name of sustainability: the outdoor venues in scenically- and historically-relevant locations can be reached on foot or by bicycle and there are no big stages or artificial lights. This is the philosophy of Romagna in fiore, a festival in touch with communities. Created by Ravenna Festival in 2024 for the territories hit by the floods of the previous year, Romagna in fiore is on stage again this year, from 10 May to 2 June, with a new itinerary of weekend afternoon events. It will return to Faenza, Modigliana, Riolo Terme, and Ravenna but also reach Bagnacavallo (whose hamlet of Traversara became the symbol of the destructive force of the waters last autumn), Mercato Saraceno, Forlì, Castel Bolognese, as far as Borgo Tossignano near Imola, thus widening the view to Bologna and its territories, also dramatically affected by the floods. On stage, Italian and international artists, but above all the local communities, with their heritage of nature and traditions, and the public who will set out to share a new experience of live performance.

Romagna in fiore is organised by Ravenna Festival, the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Province of Ravenna, the Province of Forlì-Cesena, in cooperation with the municipalities of the localities involved and thanks to the green energy of Tozzi Green. Trail Romagna is the organising partner of the project.

The programme will be announced soon.

Saturday 10 May
Castel Raniero – ex colonia, 4 pm

Sunday 11 May
Torre di Traversara, 4 pm

Saturday 17 May
Foresta di Montebello, 4 pm

Sunday 18 May
Mercato Saraceno
Azienda Agricola Clorofilla, 4 pm

Saturday 24 May
Borgo Tossignano
La Casa del Fiume, 4 pm

Sunday 25 May
Parco Urbano Franco Agosto, 4 pm

Saturday 31 May
Castel Bolognese
Mulino Scodellino, 4 pm

Sunday 1 June
La Torraccia, 4 pm
Grande festa africana
in collaboration with Festival delle Culture

Monday 2 June
Riolo Terme
Casetta del Vento, al golf, 4 pm